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  • richlanoix

A lovely review (#1) of "Love in the time of Coronavirus: 20/20 in 2020."

A lovely review of my novel "Love in the Time of Coronavirus: 20/20 in 2020," by Andriana Ristevska (

"Life was peaceful until Covid-19 spread around the world. First China then Italy and all of a sudden it becomes a pandemic.

In New York City, Dr. Bodhi was caught in the middle of a cruel situation. Everyone was shocked by the virus because no one was ready and prepared for the pandemic. But the dark clouds seemed to clear away. By December 2021, they all could see the sunshine rising and the evil dying, they could see the hope for a better world.

"And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently."

But those clouds clearing away was just an illusion. They made a path for a bigger evil to come. In the beginning of 2022, the Second Wave of the Covid-19 spread all around the world and took the lives of 4 billion people. The world was a chaotic place to live in, there was more violence and more evil. But is it weird that Bodhi found love in those circumstances? Can their relationship work? But most importantly, can the world move on from that kind of tragedy?

While I was reading the story, I felt like I was watching a movie. I'm not talking about the scenes that you watch while reading a book. This was different, I could vividly see all the scenes play in my mind. I definitely can see the movie adaptation of this story.

As much as the title sounds cliche, this was such an interesting story mixing the facts with fantasy. It was one journey of diving deep into humankind and revealing its every piece, every emotion. It touches so many interesting and important topics that make you stop for a minute and think.

An entertaining story that I really enjoyed reading. The pandemic was horrible as we all witnessed, it left a deep scar on all of us. But it made us realize what's important in life, it opened our eyes. Some of us will not tolerate toxic people anymore. We will not live for other people, we will start living and focusing on ourselves. Because life is too short to waste it."



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